Teaching Learning Session

Internal Session for teaching learning activities was organised by Ahalia School of Paramedical Sciences on Dates 12/12/2012,13/12/2023,14/12/2023, 18/12/2023, 19/12/2023 from 3:15 – 4:00 PM

The session was covered under the following topics by respective faculties as mentioned below.


*Classroom management theory – Rajesh VK

*Classroom management Practical- Sruthi K

*Student Management- Nimisha Sadanandan

* Evaluations- Nila Suresh

* Instructional Technology- Theory (PPT format, Google Classroom, Other Resources and Does and  Donts) -Sreejith M Nair

* Instructional Technology Practical (Lab manual format, Other Techniques)- Saraswathi

* Dress code- Gopika S Jayan

* Teacher Attitude – Athira P

* Dedication – Malavika KR

* Standardization of Teaching Plan – Sreejith M Nair

* Other duties of teacher and submission of responsibilities- Absul Babu

* Mentor- Mentee to improve results and attitudes- Deepthi K R

* Feedback form Discussion- All staff

* Grading of students and their management (Weak Learner’s) – Deepthi KR, Nila Suresh Proper

Discussion was happened on each topic which was coordinated by principal. Sop for teaching learning activities were discussed and derived during the meeting which will be implemented strictly from January 2024.