Ahalia School Of Paramedical Sciences
Ahalia School of Paramedical Sciences is an innovative study platform for the aspirants who want to be the professional in health care and medical sector. Qualified Para medical graduates help Doctors in specialized areas for better diagnosis, treatment etc.
Ever growing number of patients, and variety of diseases are some of the factors, which contribute more and more significance for paramedical professionals who are expert in providing better quality treatments towards Health Care versatile requirements. Hence, the field of paramedical sciences is gaining ever-increasing scope and demand, offering attractive career opportunities in the health care sector.
Activities Recent Activities
Our Principal

Dr. Sreejith M Nair
I am very much delighted to welcome all of you to our college website. Welcome to this wonderful land of green, health, heritage and knowledge village – Ahalia Campus.
“Real education consists of drawing the best out of yourself” – Mahatma Gandhi.
With a clear vision from our Honorable Chairman, Dr. VS Gopal, Ahalia School of Paramedical Sciences was established in 2015 with a clear aim to train professionals in Allied Health Sciences. Medical Laboratory Technology is one of the main elements in Allied Health Science faculty which deals with diagnosis of diseases.
Academic Programs
Scope of Paramedical Sciences
To produce laboratory oriented, technically competent graduates with an in-depth knowledge in the major disciplines in laboratory medicine in order to fill the niches in medical support services, in ground-breaking frontier medical research, and in progressive scientific education.
Courses Offered
B.Sc MLT program, Students will learn the principles underlying the various analytical methods and investigatory procedures used in laboratory medicine, and obtain practical training to consolidate theoretical instruction. In addition, we provide instruction on research methodologies and entrust them to carry out a research project during their final year.